
NZ Immune Oil – 20ml Dropper


A mixture of essential Clove | Lemon | Rosemary | Cinnamon | Eucalyptus | Manuka Oil.
This essential oil blend is thought to support the body’s natural defence against viruses. Something to consider in your first aid box for winter.

We have added NZ Manuka oil into our NZ Immune Oil as we know that the trials with Manuka Oil support its use with viruses and may add the extra antibacterial/viral response needed.

Formally known as Thieves Oil on our website.  We have added Manuka Oil that the original thieves oil does not have.  We all know how awesome Manuka oil is!



Better than Thieves oil because it contains all of the ingredients but includes New Zealand Manuka Oil !

Suitable for respiratory function and for when viruses may be present.  The essential oils in this blend are diluted in almond oil at a concentration that makes them suitable to apply directly onto the skin.  Not advised for children under 1 year of age, but can be diffused instead.

A mixture of essential Clove | Lemon | Rosemary | Cinnamon | Eucalyptus | Manuka Oil.

The essential oils contained in this blend are known to be suitable for

  • providing ambiance to a room
  • promoting alertness
  • elevating mood
  • reducing feelings of stress or anxiety
  • Antibacterial and microbial

Note of caution:  Rosemary can increase circulation and may not be suitable for someone with symptoms of epilepsy.  I would also caution pregnant women to note use this blend.